Dear participants,
With the worldwide outbreak of Covid-19 the second Round of the 4th ALS Choral Composition Competition is postponed indefinitely. The second Round will be hold not soon but two months after opening schools and reopening of borders in order international jury members manage to have a flight to Armenia.
Our thoughts are with all those who are infected and at high risk . Despite the situation we are optimistic and wait for positive changes and better days to come.We are sure, we will soon overcome this challenge and move on to our regular activities.
Gladly we announce the end of the extra Session of the 1st Round of ALSCCC 2020.
3 winning compositions are:
112195780-From A Railway Carriage
Zindi1986-Waiting at the Window
These compositions will be performed by the Little Singers of Armenia choir on the final concert in Yerevan at Komitas Chamber Music hall.
Awards will be announced at the end of the concert.
I and II prize winners will be selected by the international jury.
Audience Award will be given to composition with audience majority votes.
The jury members of the I round competition are:
1. Andrea Angelini (Italy) is a choir conductor, pianist, organist, journalist and choral organizer. He is the Artistic Director and Conductor of Musica Ficta Vocal Ensemble, the artistic director of the Rimini International Choral Competition, of the Claudio Monteverdi Choral Competition and of the Queen of the Adriatic Sea Choral Festival and Competition and of the Liviu Borlan Choral Festival. He is President of AERCO.
2. Arthur Aharonian (France) is a composer, pianist, laureate of International competitions, professor of Paris Darius Milhaud Conservatory. He is a member of the Composers Union of Armenia and the Society of Authors, Composers and Publishers of Music of France.
3. Damijan Močnik (Slovenia) is a music teacher, conductor and artistic leader of musical activities at the Diocesan Classical Gymnasium of St. Stanislav's Institution in Ljubljana. He is also the founder and artistic leader of the Slovene Children's Choir. He is professor at the Music Academy in Ljubljana.
4. Davit Haladjian (Switzerland) is a composer, conductor and a music teacher. He is the conductor of Ananun choir. Haladjian is also the Choir Director of the Pfäffikon Catholic Church Choir. David Haladjian currently teaches piano at the MS Zumikon and at the JMS city of Zurich.
5. Jennifer Tham (Singapore) is a composer-conductor. She has worked with choirs of all ages and abilities in performances and clinics around the world. She has organised symposia and seminars for choral pedagogues, serves on international juries, and teaches foundation courses on choral leadership and choir-building.
6.Oscar Escalada (Argentina) is professor, composer, conductor, writer and editor of choral music. He is President of the Argentine Association for Choral Music “America Cantat” (AAMCANT); President of the America Cantat Organization (OAC) and member of the Board of Directors of the International Federation for Choral Music (IFCM).
7.Tigran Hekekyan (Armenia) is a conductor, professor at Yerevan State Conservatory and Headmaster of Sayat-Nova School of Music. He is the founder and artistic director of the Little Singers of Armenia choir and president of Armenian Little Singers International Association. Mr.Hekekyan is founder and president of Komitas Internatinoal Festival.
8.Vahram Sargsyan (Canada) a composer, conductor, and experimental vocalist based. His several dozen original compositions and arrangements have been widely performed in Europe, Asia and North America. He is active also as a lecturer and workshop leader.
Conditions of participation:
- Participation is open to composers from any country, aged over 20.
- Languages accepted are Latin, Armenian, English, German, Italian and French. English translation of lyrics is required. Lyrics on score should be in original language (not translated).
- Piece should be composed for the “Little Singers of Armenia” children's choir for 3 (S, S, A) or 4 voices (S, S, A, A) with or without piano accompaniment.
- Duration of composition should not exceed 5 minutes.
Utilizing Komitas melodies are encouraged.
If it is not possible to use Komitas melodies in a composition, please, mention, that you dedicate the piece to Komitas Vardapet.
To get information about Komitas, please visit the following websites:
Life and activity
Sheet music - PDF version of competitive score should be sent to by
February 20, 2020.
Each score should contain a statement written by the composer, declaring that the submitted score is unpublished, has not been previously performed and has been written specially for the ALSCCC.
- Each person may submit only one composition.
- Personal information should be indicated in the application ONLY, and NOT on the scores.
- Scores should be anonymous. Only title of composition should be mentioned on the score, as well as a nine digit code. Nine digit code is created by the composer and should be mentioned on score and application.
- Application form should be filled in below. Entry fee is 30 USD, which should be paid in advance. Scores will be sent to the jury members after fee is received. Please attach receipt with score. Download Application Form
- The competition will be held in two rounds
Round 1: Preliminary selection of the compositions
3 compositions with highest points awarded by the members
of the jury will be announced on March 5, 2020.
Round 2: Final selection of winners
3 selected compositions will be performed by the Little Singers of
Armenia choir on the concert in Yerevan on May 30, 2020.
I and II prize winners will be selected by the international jury.
Audience Award will be given to composition with audience majority votes.
Awards will be announced at the end of the concerts.
- The jury’s decision will be final.
- The winning compositions will receive the following:
First Prize: 2000 Euro
Second Prize: 1000 Euro
- Winners of the competition grants the ALSCCC rights for audio and video recording during live performance and/or studio performance of the composition, to distribute the recordings for marketing and PR purposes, and to feature the recording on our YouTube page, website, and social media accounts.
- Scores sent to the competition will not be returned.
- Participation in the competition implies full knowledge and acceptance of these regulations.
For additional information, please write to
Armenian Little Singers International Association
By the results of the first Round of ALSCCC no composition has received the required amount of votes.The organizing committee of the competition has decided to organize additional session among 7 compositions, which received relatively high points.
Results of the Extra Sesseion will be announced on March 15.


The winners of ALSCCC 2012 are:
First prize - composition "Laudate Pueri" by Mattia Culmone
Second prize - composition "Cantate Domino" by Joanna Garbatz
Finalist - composition "Five Eyes" by Alexey Larin
Audience Award- composition "Five Eyes" by Alexey Larin
The winners of ALSCCC 2014 are:
Second prize - composition “From tsy to tsy” by Anna Hakobjanyan
Second prize – composition “Ave Maria” by Luigi Del Prete
Finalist - composition “Jubilate Deo” by Jan Wilke
Audience Award- composition “Ave Maria” by Luigi Del Prete
The winners of ALSCCC 2015 are:
First prize – composition “Psallite” by Kyle Pederson
Second prize – composition “Pstik Tghu Ighdzy” by Guy Maman
Audience Award – composition “Pstik Tghu Ighdzy” by Guy Maman
Philip Brunelle (USA)
Volker Hempfling (Germany)
Maya Shavit (Israel)
Shalva Mosidze (Georgia)
Oscar Escalada (Argentina)
Davit Haladjian (Switzerland)
Arthur Aharonian (France)
Vahram Sargsyan (Canada)
Tigran Hekekyan (Armenia)
Maria Guinand (Venezuela)
Chifuru Matsubara (Japan)
Voicu Popescu (Romania)
Gela Parchugidze (Georgia)
Jennifer Tham (Singapore)
Davit Haladjian (Switzerland)
Arthur Aharonian (France)
Vahram Sargsyan (Canada)
Tigran Hekekyan (Armenia)